9 Feb, 2023 | News
2022 has been a year of expansion and growth for QATRO, with more than 9 large projects carried out in parallel both in Europe and through our subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Chile and Israel. We are very proud of our human team, of their dedication and...2 May, 2022 | News
Our QATRO team in Chile, QATRO Chile SpA, recently completed the testing and commissioning of Valle del Sol substation in collaboration with Siemens y Grupo SEMI2 Apr, 2022 | News
QATRO has been contracted by GE Power to support the commissioning of the instrumentation of two new open cycle gas turbine power plants in Germany. In this way, QATRO reinforces its presence in Europe where it is currently finalizing the start-up of the Ghent Biomass...23 Dec, 2021 | News
QATRO, in collaboration with MMYPEM JR S.L.U., has been awarded to carry out the commissioning of a new waste to energy power plant in the United Kingdom, with full scope of service: mechanical, operation, electricity and instrumentation & control. The Project,...25 Nov, 2021 | News
QATRO has been contracted by the company WIND1000 for a support service for the commissioning of the Goubet wind farm in Djibouti, carrying out the primary injections in the transformation centers of the 17 wind turbines of the wind farm projected by Siemens...5 Oct, 2021 | News
Transition from the old OHSAS 18001 standard to the new # ISO45001. At QATRO we are concerned about the #security and #health of our workers, in all the services we perform and in the facilities where we work. For this reason we have adapted our Health and Safety...